作者:Mark A. Taff ([email protected])
发布日期:2002 年 2 月 12 日
描述:使用 Microsoft Access VBA 与 PostgreSQL 交互的示例迷你指南
以下是我编写的一些 VBA 代码,因为很难找到与 PostgreSQL ODBC 驱动程序相关的答案。特别是,如何在 MS Access 数据库中以编程方式链接和取消链接 PostgreSQL 关系。这已在 win2k 上的 Access 2000 与 Red Hat 7.2 上的 PostgreSQL 7.1.3 上进行了测试。
这里棘手的地方是指定连接参数的特殊方式,以便 Access 在 Access 表定义对象(而不是 ADODB 连接对象)的上下文中接受它们。代码中有大量注释来解释它,并且包含两个子例程,一个用于链接新关系,另一个用于取消链接关系。
Private Sub Link_ODBCTbl(serverConn As String, rstrTblSrc As String, _ rstrTblDest As String, db As Database) LogEvent "Entering " & APP_NAME & ": Form_Login.Link_ODBCTbbl(" & _ rstrTblSrc & ")", etDebug On Error GoTo Err_Handler StartWork "Adding relation: " & rstrTblSrc Dim tdf As TableDef Dim connOptions As String Dim myConn As String Dim myLen As Integer Dim bNoErr As Boolean bNoErr = True Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef(rstrTblDest) ' don't need next line, as only called if doesn't exist locally 'db.TableDefs.Delete rstrTblDest ' this is 1st error, as doesn't exist locally yet; maybe wrong key ' The length of the connection string allowed is limited such that you can't ' specify all of the PostgreSQL ODBC driver options as you normally would. ' For those that want to do it normally, you are limited to somewhere between ' 269 characters (works) and 274 (doesn't work). Using a dsn is not a workaround. ' ' ***WORKAROUND*** Tested Access 2000 on Win2k, PostgreSQL 7.1.3 on Red Hat 7.2 ' ' The connection string begins as usual, for example: ' ' "ODBC;DRIVER={PostgreSQL};DATABASE=database_name_to_connect_to;" & _ ' "SERVER=ip_address_to_connect_to;PORT=5432;Uid=username_to_connect_as;" & _ ' "Pwd=password_of_user;" & _ ' ' For all other parameters, you must code them in the same way Access stores them ' in the hidden MSysObjects table. Here is a cross-reference table: ' ' PG_ODBC_PARAMETER ACCESS_PARAMETER ' ********************************************* ' READONLY A0 ' PROTOCOL A1 ' FAKEOIDINDEX A2 'A2 must be 0 unless A3=1 ' SHOWOIDCOLUMN A3 ' ROWVERSIONING A4 ' SHOWSYSTEMTABLES A5 ' CONNSETTINGS A6 ' FETCH A7 ' SOCKET A8 ' UNKNOWNSIZES A9 ' range [0-2] ' MAXVARCHARSIZE B0 ' MAXLONGVARCHARSIZE B1 ' DEBUG B2 ' COMMLOG B3 ' OPTIMIZER B4 ' note that 1 = _cancel_ generic optimizer... ' KSQO B5 ' USEDECLAREFETCH B6 ' TEXTASLONGVARCHAR B7 ' UNKNOWNSASLONGVARCHAR B8 ' BOOLSASCHAR B9 ' PARSE C0 ' CANCELASFREESTMT C1 ' EXTRASYSTABLEPREFIXES C2 ' ' So the parameter part of the connection string might look like: ' ' "A0=0;A1=6.4;A2=0;A3=0;A4=0;A5=0;A6=;A7=100;A8=4096;A9=0;" & _ ' "B0=254;B1=8190;B2=0;B3=0;B4=1;B5=1;B6=0;B7=1;B8=0;B9=1;C0=0;C1=0;C2=dd_" ' ' Concatenating those four strings together will give you a working connection ' string (but you may want to change the options specified). ' ' NOTES: ' `Disallow Premature` in driver dialog is not stored by Access. ' string must begin with `ODBC;` or you will get error ' `3170 Could not find installable ISAM`. 'Debug.Print svr.Conn myConn = "ODBC;DRIVER={PostgreSQL};" & serverConn & _ "A0=0;A1=6.4;A2=0;A3=0;A4=0;A5=0;A6=;A7=100;A8=4096;A9=0;" & _ "B0=254;B1=8190;B2=0;B3=0;B4=1;B5=1;B6=0;B7=1;B8=0;B9=1;" & _ "C0=0;C1=0;C2=dd_" tdf.Connect = myConn tdf.SourceTableName = rstrTblSrc db.TableDefs.Append tdf db.TableDefs.Refresh ' If we made it this far without errors, table was linked... If bNoErr Then LogEvent "Form_Login.Link_ODBCTbl: Linked new relation: " & _ rstrTblSrc, etDebug End If 'Debug.Print "Linked new relation: " & rstrTblSrc ' Link new relation Set tdf = Nothing Exit Sub Err_Handler: bNoErr = False Debug.Print Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description If Err.Number <> 0 Then LogError Err.Number, Err.Description, APP_NAME & _ ": Form_Login.Link_ODBCTbl" Resume Next End Sub Private Sub UnLink_ODBCTbl(rstrTblName As String, db As Database) LogEvent "Entering " & APP_NAME & ": Form_Login.UnLink_ODBCTbbl", etDebug On Error GoTo Err_Handler StartWork "Removing revoked relation: " & rstrTblName ' Delete the revoked relation...that'll teach 'em not to get on my bad side ' I only call this sub after verifying the relation exists locally, so I ' don't check if it exists here prior to trying to delete it, however if you ' aren't careful... db.TableDefs.Delete rstrTblName db.TableDefs.Refresh Debug.Print "Removed revoked relation: " & rstrTblName Exit Sub Err_Handler: Debug.Print Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description If Err.Number <> 0 Then LogError Err.Number, Err.Description, APP_NAME & _ ": Form_Login.UnLink_ODBCTbl" Resume Next End Sub